Thursday, March 1, 2012

Join the journey!

Yes, I know.  Here is another suburban housewife entering the blogsphere. It’s okay to collectively moan.  It’s built into my blog’s title (with apologies to Robert Frost, of course).  It’s not as though I don’t believe in my own exceptionalsim.  If I didn’t I wouldn’t be having a go at blogging.  It’s more an acknowledgement to all who have come before me, those who journey with me, and all who will travel this same path after me - an awareness that though I won’t likely have anything new to add to the conversation, I’m joining in anyway.  And I hope you will too.

A little background information of she who travels this well worn road:  I’ve been married to my wonderful husband for 13 years and am the mother of two daughters, ages 2 and 5.  And surprise!  We have one more on the way though the news is so fresh I haven’t even shared it with my intimate friends on Facebook.  Prior to motherhood, I was a middle school English teacher and a marathon runner, which I do agree makes me certifiably insane.  I loved it and still do through subbing gigs, coaching, and tutoring (yeah, no marathons in sight – the running kind at least).  There are a myriad of other labels that could help paint the picture of who I am and reveal some of what will drive my content:  avid reader, home school dabbler, continually wrestling Christian, questioner of the Western medicine machine, health nut, active member of a large and unique family, nature lover, and gluten and dairy allergy sufferer (which is quite a sexy allergy to sport, I assure you). Oh yes, and I suppose I should mention in some circles I am known to be a bit of a Debbie Downer, as in the lady from SNL who always dishes out depressing tidbits of information at inopportune times. I do love to laugh, but I can’t help myself.  Sometimes that downer stuff just oozes from me.  I guess it’s a product of reading too much? 

So enough about me - on to the topics that we all grapple with from time to time during this wild journey.  I hope in my weekly posts you will find something that makes you laugh, reflect, react, or something that makes you feel like you are not alone on your journey. Thank you for joining me, and I look forward to hearing from you.
